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PixAção !

Monday, October 6th, 2008

The junction of the words ‘pixo’ + ação (action in portuguese) means more to some people than just the act of writing your name in ‘pixo’ letters somewhere !

For some guys, like the 30 pixadores that took over the gallery Choque Cultural in Sao Paulo on Sept. 6th, it means the pure act of free speech ally to vandalism (which is the main foundation of the so called ‘art’ of pixação), what led them to a non violent act of maniphest against the vulgarization, institutiotinalization and ‘domestication’ of the street culture. So they organized an ‘attack’ to one of the icons that suposebly represent all that.

pixAÇÃO na Choque Cultural (8)

Translation of the ‘invitation’ made by the ‘pixadores’ :

“Atack Part 2 (( On the way to Revolution )) We’ll invade a ‘shitty’ art gallery  ((Choque Cultural )). According to its ideology, it takes cover of underground artists so the place is ‘ours’. We declare total protest. (-place of meeting-) Rescue the phrases.  Heil to the ‘pixação’!  Art as crime. Crime as art. All for the pixação movement. “

I asked one of the ‘pixadores’ who participated on the action, what went on there and he told me that:

” In my view the graffiti has a function, a social cause…and none of the artists (that I know about) does it with that purpose. A graffiti with no critics and without any ideology, besides the artists of that gallery were never really from the streets ! The gallery had only been presenting something parnassian and ‘elitized’…beautiful to the eyes of everyone…something that don´t suit our reality, at least mine. When I´m walking I see ‘favelas’ and misery, exploration and opression by politics and religion !And who, in an underdeveloped country, has condition to buy any of those paintings ?! It was the ‘favela’ protesting against the social exclusion ! ”

” If you don´t come to the favela, the favela comes to you! ”

pixAÇÃO na Choque Cultural (3)

pixAÇÃO na Choque Cultural

pixAÇÃO na Choque Cultural (4)

pixAÇÃO na Choque Cultural (6)

pixAÇÃO na Choque Cultural (1)

pixAÇÃO na Choque Cultural

pixAÇÃO na Choque Cultural

pixAÇÃO na Choque Cultural (2)

I got these photos from the photographer CHOQUE PHOTOS himself, who was envolved in the action and support the cause of it, he had his previous flickr account deactivated by the administration, which is shame because, besides these photos, there was some awesome photos of  ‘pixação’, but they´ll be published in a near future on his book about the act and culture of pixo.

On the gallery´s blog they published a post about it saying that “the gallery was invaded and depradated, several artworks were damaged. The authors published images of the action and brag of the agression in websites over the internet. There was a convocation to violence, to propagation of hate and to coward intolarance. This organized self-promotion is an explicit form of truculent authoritarism disguised as protest.”

And on the same post there´s a text from the couple that runs the website Wooster Collective, about the subject. Check it here.

As for the gallery, it´s a place where you can find some good art, as I posted an exhibition there with Tim Biskup, Shepard Fairey, Jeff Soto; and also oppened up the space and the eyes of other galleries, in other parts of the world, for brazilian artists who has a graffiti history.

The fact is that only one painting from Speto was damaged, all the other paintings that were ‘pixadas’ had a glass over it so it should be fine, and they´ve already painted over it.

It´s complicated for me to take parts on this particular case, me being a person who goes to exhibitions, like art galleries that opens their space and ‘eyes’ for talented artists from the streets, who support the social causes that the street culture stands for, but I believe in EVOLUTION as the way to REVOLUTION, and not the other way around !

” The philosophy of a century is the good common sense of the next ! “

Ignore it please …if you can !

Wednesday, August 27th, 2008

The artist known as  “Ignore Por Favor ” , which means ” Ignore it please”,  created a new serie of paintings called “Privacy Invasion – Orkut Victims”, consisting in taking photos from friends on his orkut network and painting them with spray on canvas, with such an incredible quality and realism that I have no words to describe, see it for yourselves !!!

naah- by ignore

Like that wouldn´t be enough he also produced videos of the whole process, each one with a different and great soundtrack, complementing and making even more beautiful his masterpieces.

This is one of my favorites, he painted a very talented artist and personnal friend, Yusk.

yusk by ignoreporfavor

Watch Yusk´s video:

Yusk-painting-original photo The original photo so you can see what I´m talking about.

All the works and videos from this serie on my new blog !

I also like to show you his previous works from the serie called  “Essential Light”, he painted photos took on our chaotic traffic and turned into amazing artworks.

bus- essential light serie- ignore

Bus window- essential light serie-ignore

I went to see this one, live, the other day and I still couldn´t believe my own eyes !


Also on the wall two amazing artits, Gafi and DME.

Keep it REAL like THAT !

INSANE ! What else could you call it ?!

Wednesday, August 20th, 2008

I´ve been working a lot, trying to keep up with everything that´s going on, working on a few posts, but I just saw some photos from one of my ultimate favorite artists here in Brazil that I just got to show you, a guy from Jundiai/SP, known as Insane. Not without a reason !

A wall…




…an insane wall !!! Much much better, for my taste!

His style is unique and his technique is pure talent, amazes me everytime I see a new wall, a new sketch or any drawing form this guy.

Keep the insanity positive!

“Fontaine Project”- 3D art by Ricardo Ozzob

Tuesday, July 22nd, 2008

I recently, and fortunetely, met  an incredible artist who does amazing works as sculptures, digitally and in plastiline, like this oger which he called Fontaine Project, and this is only for his own study of this form of art.

fontaine- ricardo

fontaine- ricardo

fontaine- ricardo

These photos were taken by Rafael Lucien and it´s up on his blog where you can see the process of the’birth’ of the oger and other very interesting and so well done, works by Ricardo Bargenton.

He’s also part of a video producer’s agency called “porqueeu“.

Keep it fresh !

“Os Gemeos”… WHO ???

Tuesday, July 8th, 2008

While people all over the world appreciates the brazilian graffiti and its artists, specially Os Gemeos, here in Brazil we see the exact opposite happening… so sad but so true!

In fact we´ve got the most amazing  ‘public galleries’ (the walls on the streets) in the world and I´m sure of that when I pass by one of the most trafficated avenue here everyday and see something like THIS :

gemeos_nunca_nina_23 DE MAIO

gemeos_nunca_nina_23 DE MAIO   painel _23 DE MAIO   Herbert Baglione _23 DE MAIO

BUT as I posted before, there´s a campaign going on in São Paulo called “Clean City” …or “Gray City” as we should call it…when you see THAT turned into THIS :

  23-ERASED (The shot is awful, at night, but the only one I got of that same wall, where those graffitis used to be…now covered with gray paint! )

WHY IS THAT ??? Here is what the press said about it…

(the video and text is in portuguese, but I´ll translate it !)

” The colors and forms of the graffiti done by the twin brothers Gustavo and Otávio Pandolfo , Os Gemeos, brings life to the gray streets of São Paulo. But in the last Thursday, part of a giant mural, painted by OsGemeos, Nina Pandolfo, Nunca and Herbert Baglione, was erased. According to Mayor City Hall, there was a misunderstanding with the contractor to remove graffiti in public places.

It was “unintentionally”. At least this is the justification of the Prefecture of São Paulo to the attitude of the company  hired to erase the ‘pixos’ in public places.

“It’s sad to see it. In our case and of many artists, our work is so valued outside Brazil, and here it doesn´t happen the same way, “said Gustavo Pandolfo. “We need to know what criteria they are adopting to erase a work like that, with more than 700 square meters,” completes Otávio Pandolfo.

 Where there is a type of art as graffiti occupying a public space, it is generally respected by ‘pichadores’ (the guys who does the ‘pixos’), as the other part of that mural, on the other side of the avenue, is preserved.

MURAL - 23

” People only care when a work of art is stolen from a museum. I was impressed, a work of art from Sao Paulo was stolen and nobody says anything about it. “claims a psychologist Lima Robson.

A meeting will be scheduled with representatives of the company and the artists to redo the work. “

Can you believe that ?! …me neither!

I was speechless when I saw the wall covered in gray and didn´t even know about the so called “mistake” I thought they really had the intend to erase it since a lot of other amazing works has been erased lately, which has a positive side, which is the new works there are to come after the ‘cleaning’ …and they´ll keep it coming! …as they´ll keep cleaning !

…and I´ll keep on fighting ! Not against anything and anybody but in favor of art, of graffiti, of the streets with beautiful graffitis on it, of standing up for brazilian artists, speacially the street’s artists wordly, of making people see ART as one of the greater achievements that these people who do it may leave for this world. It´s timeless, priceless…not ever worthless !

Now we´re having the opportunity to dicuss about it since this ‘tragedy’ turned a lot of eyes to the graffiti scene in Brazil ! That´s what I took of most positive about this.

Because all you see is how brazilian artists are doing so great in New York, London, Melbourne, California, Chile, Spain…and how about in BRAZIL ?!

Well, that´s an example of how one of the best things we have to offer to the world is being appreciated in here!


WE’RE FREE TO DO THAT, isn´t that (OUR) RIGHT ?!?!

On the Streets of SP…

Monday, June 30th, 2008

Some of my favorite brazilian artists got together to make one of the best produce and dopest wall I´ve seen lately!!!

  bobi_process    Nick_in_process    nick_anjo_in_process

   It took a lot of hard team work and a few discussions to get it done like that but it was all worthed !


So now I, proudly, present you all Nice people out there…from the left to the right :





YUSK / HOROIWA zoomed up








ANJO / NICK / BOBI (from Rio de Janeiro)


That´s just PUBLIC GALLERY to me!!!


And the reason why I see on our (dirty, ‘dangerous’, even scary for some people, so used by the politicians to make only themselves looks good while the people who lives there looks so bad, filled with ‘pixações’ / vandalism but still our, because no one owns it really… ) STREETS such a beautiful, colorful, peaceful, so well used by artists like that to do something that looks good making people who loves it feels so good !


Keep walking !

Prakrti (a.k’d.a. SLIKS) in motion !

Saturday, June 14th, 2008

A video shot by Buw, his wife to be and my sister from another mother, that she just sent me and is on ‘youtube’ and right here for you all see the real deal…

PRAKRTI in action !

…It takes skills !!!

Keep it flowing !

Custom Sketchbooks by the SRK

Monday, June 2nd, 2008

A very cool guy from London, who´s one of the masterminds behind the SRK website / studio / shop and author of a dope book + dvd called Rackgaki, about the greatest artists of the japanese graffiti, which some will be participating on the NO COMPLY show also, just sent me some news about another cool project they´re launching now, the customed sketchbooks by DARBOTZ/ ESOW/ JIMI CRAYON/ DALEK for the SRK.

See the  release .

Sketchbook SRK 

Skecthbook SRK

Skecthbook SRK

Big Up , Big Hug, Big Thanks to Shaz !

Keep it Positive !

David Haines – The cyber Mythologies

Saturday, May 31st, 2008

Havent been able to post as much as I want lately but have been doing some nice things that Ill be telling all about it here soon!

For starters…looking for a job the other day I just ran into it at a gallery I didnt know about…and saw these works by DAVID HAINES -who I also never heard before but it didnt take a second to make me become an admiror of his surreal (so real!) artwork!

david haines

Surprised as much as shocked ! Amazing big canvases, a work of m agic with a pencil on paper, much respect and admiration!
david haines
My awful, but still worthed to, shot from my cel phone of my favorite piece.

david haines

A nice detail from this one.

david haines

david haines

Not all of these works are at the Luisa Strina Gallery, where the show is happening here in SP until June 21st.

See the works in exhibition here.

Keepin it on ! Peace !!!

Uni-versos: the oppening night !

Friday, May 9th, 2008

 The exhibition ‘Uni-versos’ that was on until last month was a big success !

As I expected it to be…with amazing artists like that it couldn´t be any different.


It was like the rainest day ever…and people came…a lot of wet people came! And even though we had to close the doors for the rain not to get inside…and still when those people enterde the room they were nothing but pleased to went throught all that…it was worth it !


   uni-versos   uni-versos   uni-versos 

  CHàThe CHà project’s stickers on the wall at Coletivo Gallery.

It was packed with people and filled with positive vibrations for those 3.

Sliks section


Sliks.     dtl.1      DTL.2      dtl.3




       SLIKS         SLIKS          SLIKS


                     sliks Sliks     

                        sliks  sliks    

uni-versos banner


Jerry, Enivo and Sliks worked so hard, spent days and nights inside that gallery painting, thinking, discussing, how each one would put up their own “universe” on the walls and  still do a collective show that would integrate all of them. And that´s what became after all, one artistic and beautiful universe through the sensibility and vision of 3 amazing artists .

ENIVO section


                            Enivo                         Enivo                   


                 Enivo Enivo

                 Enivo Enivo 


  Enivo Before … 

 Enivo  and after Enivo’s special ‘touch’ !


                         Enivo Enivo

                         Enivo Enivo 





In despite of the fact that they´re also very good friends, it´s really special to see what they did, how much they’ve grown artistically.

JERRY section

Jerry Batista

                     Jerry         Jerry 

                  Jerry    Jerry 


 Jerry     Jerry          Jerry


                           Jerry       Jerry

                            Jerry   Jerry


My humble contribution to the show was the text I translated and that became a banner and was hung on the entrance wall, made me glad to feel part of it somehow.


From the left…ME looking for some paper, probably. Sliks. Jerry. Enivo…chilin’ on the back of the gallery.

Thank you guys, for having me over the process, for always supporting what I do and the reason that I do it is YOU ! All of you talented dearest friends !

Collectivity ! Peace out!

Miss G

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