Lush opened his debut show last Friday at Backwoods, true to his form he’s polarized the community, offended the weak of stomach, got a few laughs and managed to fill gallery with more dicks and cunts than ever before thought possible.
More shots at the Backwoods Gallery blog.
After discovering an anti-gravity pocket in my back alleyway my mind has become obsessed with the concept.
I’ve been dreaming about it…
I also dreamt about the first person to fly…
I want to find more anti gravity pockets…
and do more anti gravity experiments…
This last one’s a nod to Moebius.
Meanwhile it seems the frogs have discovered an anti gravity pocket too (courtesay of Fitz)…
multiple dimension dog
Pic snapped and kindly supplied by 2026 …off Bondi Road, Sydney. Love it!
Jack Street reminds us how awesome Lego is and can be in the right hands.
Lego Working Pump Action Shotgun
Lego Working AK47
And where would we be without a Lego Working Minigun
Check out his Youtube page, for more, including a Lego Chainsaw.
Cognitive Dissident.