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Archive for February, 2008

It’s good to have a hobbie.

Friday, February 29th, 2008


Nice hire car.


Friday, February 29th, 2008

Coming up at Paper Shadow, Sydney art crew We Are The Image Makers (WATIM for short) will be presenting “MAY CONTAIN TRACES OF NUTS”. Going to be a mad show, with a lineup of Sydneys finests.

Details below, preview of show to follow…….


These people know…

Thursday, February 28th, 2008

And well said, too.

Feeling BLUE ?! Filur and Nem were !

Thursday, February 28th, 2008

I just got today a batch of photos of a wall done by these 2 great guys and awesome artists, also dear friends, called NEM & FILUR !

So, let me share it with you nice people all around how talented they are !

NEM in process…

Nem in process

If you thought letters didn´t move…


 …you didn´t know NEM !


 Who´s the master ?! …yeah, Nem…YOU ARE!

FILUR ‘s time ! The guy who made graffiti fun to look at, for me…!


His characters are the best !


I´m completely in love with his oriental style!


Filur rocks every time !

And when you put’em together it couldn’t be any less pretty than this…

Nem and Filur’s wall

The whole blue wall. And a close up of it.

Big Up for the VIP and TK crew ! Nem represanted !

Big Up for the 321 crew ! Filur represanted!

…like they always do !

Keep on doing it !

Everfresh at Wasteland…

Monday, February 25th, 2008

You miss me? Or miss my mundane and irregular postings? Nope.

We’ll l’m back anyway and it’s straight into another show. This time it’s W.A’s turn with the studio’s first show out of Melbourne.  If you hail from out west stop by…


My man Meggs also has some prints for sale on his site, check it out here.


l’ll throw up a few NICE shots from my trip as soon as l get my life back together. In the mean time, remember:


~7 reasons to subscribe to Kab101’s Skeleton Key Blog~

Saturday, February 23rd, 2008


DION and EVOL reprezantin’ the DEM crew BIG time!

Saturday, February 23rd, 2008

There I was…passing by one of the busiest avenues of Sao Paulo…when I see this huuuuge wall with some biiiig and beauuutiful letters on it…

As I was getting closer…I just couldn´t believe that someone could do that in that place and not get caught…or even care to spend their energy and material to do that…but when I saw those letters I got it!

DEM is for ‘Destruction In Mass’ ! They fight for their space and their right to express themselves and their arts through drawings and letters on the walls. And that´s why they’re so important for the graffiti scene! 

Because we´re going through a kind of ‘silent war’ here…our city mayor began a campaign called “Clean City” which means that HE thinks that our great city would be a lot better without the graffitis and pixos…


Now imagine yourself living in SP, walking on the street and seeing graffitis from OsGemeos, for example, everyday and than one day…you see this hideous color overpainted on their graffiti !?


Yeah…you won´t feel so hapyy ! I know it…I feel this everyday !

But people like Dion and Evol makes me feel happy again !!! And all the graffiti artists who keeps coming back and making our city so wonderfull to see and more beautiful to live in ! 

A big up to all the DEM CREW members : GUETO, GOOD, MOFOS, EVOL, CRIS, KI, NEV, ENO and DION !

Congratulations you guys ! For the amazing art and attitude !
Keep rocking the city !!!

Absent Territory ~ Shep and Kab101 show

Friday, February 22nd, 2008


Tonight in Adelaide at the Electric Light.  Shep and the master Kab101 a review of tattoo and street related goodness.

Kab rules supreme, hitting him up for shots from the show and post them as soon as i get my hands on them.



Friday, February 22nd, 2008


Indi184, partner of the illustrious Cope2 and in her own right a legend in the world of graffiti has joined the blog-o-sphere… get on and add it to your RSS.

Also Cope and Indi will have graff featured in the street of Liberty city in the upcoming GTA4.

The Drunken Rants of Mr.Poogo Porkpie.

Friday, February 22nd, 2008

Don’t get me wrong people. I’m doing my best not to turn this blog into some sort of wimpy Street Boners rip off, where I pay out on people less fortunate than myself to boost my already inflated ego. However. That said, I’m a smart ass and when I see this guy walking out of Baroque House, I cant help but get all tingly. If you don’t know Baroque House, then your lucky. According to Michael Edmonds of it’s a…

“Plush baroque-styled club that has injected a fresh vibe not seen in Melbourne for a long time. A mingley upstairs bar meets compressed dancefloor action downstairs, all while throwing in an outdoor laneway chill-out area for good measure.”

So anyways Mr. Douche, (official name) is heading to the “outdoor lane way chill-out area” for good measure. When he happens to stumble upon me drinking a beer at Sisters. Long story short, “Hey how you doing?”, “Photo for a blog?” suspicions confirmed, your a douche, blah blah blah. Point of all this? Quality Control. How do you stop a retard from buying one of your T shirts? Well, it comes down to the individual’s responsibility. So, if you think there could be a slight chance your a Muppet, please don’t rock a NICE T. It hurts me to see this kind of thing. Anyways, now thats off my chest I can continue with some blogging of mild importance and perhaps get something other than a camera phone.

P.S He chose to pose like this.


Check out some more NiceProduce

Beach, Bum's and Bondi A3 #1 Beach, Bum's and Bondi A3
Prints | White
The Land of Milkshake Mistakes #1 The Land of Milkshake Mistakes
Prints | / White
Diagram of the Whale #1 Diagram of the Whale
Prints | Rives 280g paper
Jungle Spirits #1 Jungle Spirits
Prints | German archival pape
Treehouse-treesalot Inn #1 Treehouse-treesalot Inn
Prints | Giclee Print
The Lute #1 The Lute
Prints | White
Invisible Opponent. Hello Gentlemen, It's You. #1 Invisible Opponent. Hello Gentlemen, It's You.
T-Shirts | Black / White
Skull of Night #1 Skull of Night
Prints | Rives 280g paper