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Archive for the ‘Photography’ Category

Look See 2011

Tuesday, August 2nd, 2011

This Friday see’s the opening of Look See 2011, the exhibition component of the annual Look Hear art & design event held in Newcastle. Showcased will be a diverse range of works comprising of illustration and design, painting, photography, video and street art—from not only this years Look Hear 2011 speakers, but previous years and also works from a select group of both established and up and coming talents from around the Newcastle region and further afar. Special guests on the night will be Secret Wars for their first time in Newcastle, where locals Malade will battle it out against visiting Sydney fellas Houl and Sprinkles. See flyer for all the deets or check the Look Hear 2011 website.

Li Wei

Saturday, March 12th, 2011

Beijing artist, Li Wei blends the mundane with the trans mundane.

I want to see his take on the tower of pisa. more here.

100-01《拳击》”Boxing”,2009.03.31, 北京Beijing,176x366cm, Edition 6

093-01.<<生活在高处6>>,”Live at the high place 6″, 2008.10.09, Beijing,176x176cm, Edition 6

073-01.《李 日韦撞入纽约》.“Li Wei falls to New York”,2006.10.20. New York, 176x176cm,

105-01《爱之箭》“Arrow of love”,2009.04.02, 北京,Beijing, 176x176cm, Edition 6

047-01.《爱在高处之1 》.”Love at the high place 1″,2004,07.01, Beijing, 150x150cm,

047-01.《爱在高处之1 》.”Love at the high place 1″,2004,07.01, Beijing, 150x150cm,

159-01,《引力之外 4》,“Beyond Gravity 4 ”, 2010,04,17, 北京 Beijing, 155x465cm, Edition 6


Monday, March 7th, 2011

This is going to be crazy. Wait till you see the video.

Details below.

Rising 5, a truly unique project photographed by a world leader in 3D photography, Mark Ruff.

Melbourne art directors and stylists Simone Ling and Izabel Caligore, working with nine of the most influential Australian fashion designers have created a three hundred and sixty degree view from the very forefront of Australian fashion.

On display at Melbourne’s Federation Square, the two week Atrium show will feature 3D lenticular fashion photography, video installations and is free to the public.

Rising 5 proudly supports beyondblue: the national depression initiative.

Video editing and post production by Louis Mitchell

Shinichi Maruyama – Gardens

Wednesday, February 16th, 2011

New York based, Japanese photographer/artist Shinichi Maruyama has released his latest series of work, Gardens.

Photographing paint, mid air in an attempt to replicate the aesthetic found in Zen gardens he has created a stunning series of pieces. Which while he humbly insists that he is “far” from the mark none the less manages to encapsule the true spirit of the aesthetic, that in many ways surpasses the original. At least in my opinion.

“I have tried to represent this feeling I get from Zen gardens in my artwork. Although I am still far from those enlightened monks who labor in nature, my actions of repeatedly throwing liquid into the air and photographing the resulting shapes and sculptural formations over and over-endlessly-could be considered a form of spiritual practice to find personal enlightenment.” – Shinichi Maruyama.

See the rest of the series here on Shinichi’s site. Or head to Bruce Silverstien NYC, tomorrow night at 6pm to see it in person.

BRUCE SILVERSTEIN 535W 24th Street New York, NY 10011 T: 212-627-3930

Paste Modernism 2 recap

Saturday, October 16th, 2010

Last Thursday night saw the opening of the biggest paste-up manifestation Australia, if not the world, has ever seen — Paste Modernism 2 at Sydney’s LO-FI Collective . Curated by Ben Frost and Bridge Stehli and presented by Stupid Krap, the space over the course of a few days transformed into an incredible mash up of wheat pasted art, what could be best described as a “visual overload”. There were over thirty contributing artists from Australia and abroad, ranging from the emerging to the more established players in the scene. Below is some pics from the opening night, courtesy of John Lampard and you can see more on his flickr. To check the original Paste Modernism part 1, where it all started go here . enjoy.

All photos courtesy of John Lampard.

Enjoy Vandalism

Saturday, October 2nd, 2010

Pic snapped and kindly supplied by 2026 …off Bondi Road, Sydney. Love it!

Yone – Melbourne

Tuesday, September 28th, 2010

Ghetto Blaster

Sunday, September 26th, 2010

My friend Jennifer Leung will be showcasing a series of photographic work and also curating a four metre paste up wall for this event at the Qbar in Darlinghurst Sydney.  Also live wall art by Judie So and some cool live bands too…see more deets on the flyer below and you can check Jenn’s fantastic snaps here.


Sunday, September 19th, 2010

Phibs being photographed at Semi Permanent GPO.


Monday, August 23rd, 2010

Josh’s opening. Backwoods.


Australian artist TEZ is an all rounder, his art spans across an array of mediums including painting, sculpture, ceramics, screen-printing and vector illustration. Much of his work comprises of a combination of these mediums and often incorporates recycled materials and found objects. TEZ unveiled his debut solo exhibition “Sure Ain’t Sushi” at Sydney’s China Heights gallery in late 2009. He resides in his “fibro castle” on the New South Wales Central Coast and more often than not can be found in his shed creating his next fresh piece or just plain old tinkering.

Check out some more NiceProduce

Skill & Bones, Skull #1 Skill & Bones, Skull
T-Shirts | Black / White
Black scrawl 2  #1 Black scrawl 2
Prints | White
Diagram of the Whale #1 Diagram of the Whale
Prints | Rives 280g paper
Nawlz Print : Under the Bridge #1 Nawlz Print : Under the Bridge
Prints | Glicee Print
Cock Copter #1 Cock Copter
Prints | White
No Comply ~ Steve Gourlay T-shirt #1 No Comply ~ Steve Gourlay T-shirt
T-Shirts | Black / White
Homeward Bound #1 Homeward Bound
Prints | White
Zombie Kiss #1 Zombie Kiss
Prints | German archival pape