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Archive for the ‘Animation’ Category

Jeff Koons Must Die!!!

Sunday, June 26th, 2011

Not one to normally promote such violence, and I know this is kinda old news,  but this 80’s style arcade game installation by Hunter Jonakin is just too darn funny not to post…


Before it Fades by TwoOne

Thursday, May 26th, 2011

Two’s latest show looks like it’s going to be next level, heres some details. More here.

TWOONE Hiroyasu Tsuri is always interested in what more he can find within his own imagination which is why he tends not to stick with one style or motif.

There are a lot of feelings, expressions and interests that he explores, with a need to let them out as they come for fear they will fade like an amazing dream that is so easily forgotten.

Where once he created images only from his imagination, he now has a great interest in creating work from what is real and what is around him everyday. TWOONE has always liked the idea of using these things as materials but until now wasn’t bold enough to simply paint them.

TWOONE’s new works show a  deviation from his known style, colour and content which sees TWOONE enter an exciting new chapter.

Eye of the Storm

Tuesday, April 12th, 2011


FanBoy vs. ArtBoy

Tuesday, March 8th, 2011

This is my piece for the upcoming FanBoy vs. ArtBoy show @ ArtBoy Gallery in Prahran, Melbourne. If you are in the neighbourhood get along to check some awesome video game inspired art! Show opens this Friday, see the flyer below for all the deets.

This sculpture titled “19XX” is inspired by the classic WW2 shoot ’em up series 19XX released by Capcom – which includes the games 1942 (1984), 1943-The Battle Of Midway (1987),1943 Kai-Midway Kaisen (1988), 1941-Counter Attack (1990), 19XX-The War Against Destiny (1995) and 1944-The Loop Master (2000).

And I found out, the hard way, that even turtles have vaginas.

Friday, February 18th, 2011

The External World by David OReilly


Nawlz Episode #7 – ‘Grey Matter’ is now online!

Wednesday, December 8th, 2010

Go to

In this episode, Suckers-Ill Magazine reports on the state of Nawlz youth and their wayward consciousness in an exclusive interview with AI psychological intelligence expert Mr. Bliss. Meanwhile, Harley’s mind can’t handle much more than a casual beer. He heads down to MoCuts Delicatessen to catch up with The Bosh and Jonnie-jon for some early evening brain lubrication.

I’m really enjoy the sloshy pirate dub that has become the Mo Cuts tune. Might have to get Jordo to evolve this into a full track. Eh Jordo? *nudge*nudge

Thanks to the usual suspects Jordan King: Sound and Music, Sinuso Dial: Additional Sounds, Duncan Gates: Crackhead programming.


Tuesday, October 12th, 2010

Talented young Tabaimo creates animated works that are as beautifully crafted and aesthetically appealing as they are enigmatic, fascinating, and often quite disturbing. Not content to simply construct beautiful or intriguing images, she clearly aims to offer a complex and pessimistic vision of Japanese society at the start of the new millennium.


Banksy Simpsons intro

Monday, October 11th, 2010

Tonights Simpsons intro directed and storyboarded by Banksy.


I wonder how much the cells from the animation would fetch.

Unsigned, one of 10,000, and painted anonymously in a factory. Just like all his other work, probably go for about 15k.

He’s got it worked out.


Thursday, September 30th, 2010

In the 18th century a Shinto priest named Hideaki saw a Karakuri doll (a clockwork robot made of wood) and claimed that in the future we will create mechanical characters that will become so superior to our own intelligence and ability’s that we will subject ourselves to them as if they were gods.

AUJIK shares Shintos belief that everything of nature is animated, even those things that we consider to be the most artificial and synthetic which border the realm of the abstract. To them science and technology is considered as sacred as stones and trees and imbued with a universal sentience.

This is fundermental to AUJIKS doctrines which aims to represent the chaos of original nature (trees, metals, organism etc) in duality to the ordered nature of refined nature (computers, robots, DNA-manipulation, etc), it explores the relationship of the two and the nature of existence.

By reflecting on it’s doctrine through the creation of artwork of an organic/synthetic nature, AUJIK hopes to facilitate the evolution of mankind.



“And the places they most haunt are the loveliest — high shadowy groves where the uguisu sings in green twilight, above some voiceless shrine with its lamps and its lions of stone so mossed as to seem things born of the soil like mushrooms.”


“This first fallen snow

is barely enough to bend
the jonquil leaves” – Matsuo Bashō


Thursday, September 9th, 2010

A study animation by Os Gemeos



Australian artist TEZ is an all rounder, his art spans across an array of mediums including painting, sculpture, ceramics, screen-printing and vector illustration. Much of his work comprises of a combination of these mediums and often incorporates recycled materials and found objects. TEZ unveiled his debut solo exhibition “Sure Ain’t Sushi” at Sydney’s China Heights gallery in late 2009. He resides in his “fibro castle” on the New South Wales Central Coast and more often than not can be found in his shed creating his next fresh piece or just plain old tinkering.

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