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Posts Tagged ‘sculpture’

Jeff Koons Must Die!!!

Sunday, June 26th, 2011

Not one to normally promote such violence, and I know this is kinda old news,  but this 80’s style arcade game installation by Hunter Jonakin is just too darn funny not to post…



Sunday, June 19th, 2011

No BUFFdiss, but here’s my stab at rockin some red tape…the first installation piece from my new “Truth series”. More to follow soon…

TRUTH (RED TAPE) by TEZ relief, sculpture, installation, social comment

Truth (Red Tape) by TEZ.

T!M ANDREW ~ Big Deal

Monday, June 13th, 2011

Gaffa gallery have approached my pal Tim Andrew to do a re-launch of his exhibition Big Deal in a pop-up location down at The Rocks in Sydney. I was fortunate enough to get along to the debut of Big Deal a few months back at Gaffa and I highly recommend you get along to this show. Featured will be a bold mix of Tim’s graphic two dimensional work, including his signature colour palette and brilliant (and maybe a tad disturbing to some) sculptural pieces. I personally loved the pineapple’s and Kujo’s piece, as per the flyer below, go check it out for yourself.

FanBoy vs. ArtBoy

Tuesday, March 8th, 2011

This is my piece for the upcoming FanBoy vs. ArtBoy show @ ArtBoy Gallery in Prahran, Melbourne. If you are in the neighbourhood get along to check some awesome video game inspired art! Show opens this Friday, see the flyer below for all the deets.

This sculpture titled “19XX” is inspired by the classic WW2 shoot ’em up series 19XX released by Capcom – which includes the games 1942 (1984), 1943-The Battle Of Midway (1987),1943 Kai-Midway Kaisen (1988), 1941-Counter Attack (1990), 19XX-The War Against Destiny (1995) and 1944-The Loop Master (2000).

Tatzu Nishi

Monday, July 26th, 2010

Keeping with the monumental theme, after the Faile post, I thought i’d share another amazing project titled ‘War and Peace and in between’ by Japanese artist Tatzu Nishi.  Last October I went along to the Art Gallery of New South Wales after a high recommendation from Ed Woodley of China Heights. It was the day after my solo exhibition at the Heights and I was sporting a thumping headache thanks to Mr Green.  I was reluctant to leave the motel bed, however I had to see this in person, so seedy as I was I made my way to the gallery and on arrival was immediately in awe of what laid before me.  I had my camera in hand, ready to shoot and the freakin batteries died…..anyway, several months slip on by and I happily stumble across the Kaldor Public Art Projects site documenting Nishi’s ingenious installations that encompassed the mighty equestrian sculptures of Gilbert Bayes.

Above images via Kaldor Public Art Projects. To see more go to the website…and be sure to check out some fantastic pics of the construction process on the Art Gallery Of New South Wales flickr.

FAILE, Lisbon

Sunday, July 18th, 2010

This monumental installation from FAILE is insane. The structure and surrounds are made up of a diverse mix of sculpture, ornate metal work and mosaic tiling. Hell, there is even one crazy fountain and as for the collab’s trademark layered mash up’s, they have evolved into the brilliant relief pieces you can see adorning the walls. epic.

more after jump


Australian artist TEZ is an all rounder, his art spans across an array of mediums including painting, sculpture, ceramics, screen-printing and vector illustration. Much of his work comprises of a combination of these mediums and often incorporates recycled materials and found objects. TEZ unveiled his debut solo exhibition “Sure Ain’t Sushi” at Sydney’s China Heights gallery in late 2009. He resides in his “fibro castle” on the New South Wales Central Coast and more often than not can be found in his shed creating his next fresh piece or just plain old tinkering.

Check out some more NiceProduce

N.i.c.e Mushie Season #1 N.i.c.e Mushie Season
T-Shirts | Black / White
Curvy Rat 3 #1 Curvy Rat 3
Prints | White
Nawlz Print : Custard #1 Nawlz Print : Custard
Prints | Giclee Print
Skill & Bones, Skull #1 Skill & Bones, Skull
T-Shirts | Black / White
Jacky WInter A3 #1 Jacky WInter A3
Prints | Giclee Print
Air Force 1 #1 Air Force 1
Prints | White
Handplant #1 Handplant
Prints | German archival pape
N.i.c.e Classic T #1 N.i.c.e Classic T
T-Shirts | / Black / White