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Archive for the ‘Events’ Category

Backyard Play

Wednesday, December 7th, 2011


A brand new collaboration between two Sydney-based groups with the shared concern of breathing more colour into our city.

KON, Sprinkles and Cam Wall, have been invited by PRIMO! Magazine and The Outsiders (Teem and Mr Sweet) to bring their perspectives and their talents into a single forum where they are encouraged to work, play and paint together. The primary aim of these small beginnings is to contribute to putting Sydney on par with artistically vibrant cities from across the globe, and to cultivate powerful and prolific relationships within the city’s artistic community.

Backyard Play is a celebration of the notion of home, nostalgia and diversity. Every upbringing in this country is set against a different backdrop, and the concept of “play” is defined in a myriad of ways. Where the backyard of one persons childhood was a grassy garden in suburbia, yours may have featured the bush, the desert, the sea, the farm or the CBD. Our project is designed to unite the Australian community through art and shared experience, and there is no more perfect concept to launch this regular event than this.

The first exhibition has been preceded by a collaborative day of creation, where artists created works inspired by the theme of Backyard Play with media including aerosol, pen and paint on canvas. The day was documented on camera and film, and this footage has been edited into a number of trailers and a documentary that will be screened as part of the exhibition.
We invite you to be part of our debut show.

Where & When Plump Gallery, 240 Enmore Rd, Enmore Opens Thursday 8th of December 2011 Exhibition continues until Wednesday 14th of December 2011.”


Sunday, October 9th, 2011

With Sydney, Melbourne & Gold Coast openings this is gonna be one rad show for such a great cause…go to for participating artist’s links.  Presented by Three Sixty Project

Look See 2011

Tuesday, August 2nd, 2011

This Friday see’s the opening of Look See 2011, the exhibition component of the annual Look Hear art & design event held in Newcastle. Showcased will be a diverse range of works comprising of illustration and design, painting, photography, video and street art—from not only this years Look Hear 2011 speakers, but previous years and also works from a select group of both established and up and coming talents from around the Newcastle region and further afar. Special guests on the night will be Secret Wars for their first time in Newcastle, where locals Malade will battle it out against visiting Sydney fellas Houl and Sprinkles. See flyer for all the deets or check the Look Hear 2011 website.

T!M ANDREW ~ Big Deal

Monday, June 13th, 2011

Gaffa gallery have approached my pal Tim Andrew to do a re-launch of his exhibition Big Deal in a pop-up location down at The Rocks in Sydney. I was fortunate enough to get along to the debut of Big Deal a few months back at Gaffa and I highly recommend you get along to this show. Featured will be a bold mix of Tim’s graphic two dimensional work, including his signature colour palette and brilliant (and maybe a tad disturbing to some) sculptural pieces. I personally loved the pineapple’s and Kujo’s piece, as per the flyer below, go check it out for yourself.

Sidewayz 2011

Sunday, May 29th, 2011

I was stoked to get my mitz on a Ride snowboard to do my thing with for the 2011 Sidewayz exhibition…I no sooner got it back to base and took to it with my trusty angle grinder. The snowboard, which I may add was in great nic, now is divided into four separate pieces. Now what to make of it? hmmm.

I am told there is now over 65 contributing artists each doing their own thing on a skate deck or snowboard to be auctioned, with the proceeds going towards the Christchurch and Japan Earthquake reliefs. If you are around Sydney you should get along to this great cause, coz it’s gonna be huge! Brought to you by the good folk from Westsyde Connection and Balmoral Boards. Check the list of artists below.

Sidewayz 2011 contributers include; Scott Marr, PigeonBoy, Konsumterra, Kalen, Sarah Scully, RJ Williams, Esjay, Vars, SMC[3], Stylo, E.L.K, Teem, Bennett, Anton Benois, Tim Andrew, Brandon Els, Qwux, Willem Van Stom, Tez, Phibs, Lise Pod, Jimmy Neilly, KON, Ellie Schroeder, Dave Kaziro, Benny Haz, Reka, Ben Goad, Ben Frost, Pinky, Lucas McGrath, kulk, Zoe Young, Wade Burkitt, Robert Bates, Rick Swaine, Beastman, Ollie Lucas, Mia Taninaka, Luke Taaffe, Julie Doye, Dina Raus, Deb, Cameron Wall, Bridge, Beth Josey, Barrett, Jeremy Shaw, Dave Smith, Kane Stamp, Liz Laughton, Jon Jones, Andrew Fawcet…plus heaps more!

Before it Fades by TwoOne

Thursday, May 26th, 2011

Two’s latest show looks like it’s going to be next level, heres some details. More here.

TWOONE Hiroyasu Tsuri is always interested in what more he can find within his own imagination which is why he tends not to stick with one style or motif.

There are a lot of feelings, expressions and interests that he explores, with a need to let them out as they come for fear they will fade like an amazing dream that is so easily forgotten.

Where once he created images only from his imagination, he now has a great interest in creating work from what is real and what is around him everyday. TWOONE has always liked the idea of using these things as materials but until now wasn’t bold enough to simply paint them.

TWOONE’s new works show a  deviation from his known style, colour and content which sees TWOONE enter an exciting new chapter.

backwoods – ghostpatrol

Wednesday, May 18th, 2011

preperations for my solo show opening this week

‘If We’re Going, Then Let’s Go’
opens 20th May – Backwoods Gallery
warp here for more details

image credit: noah


Wednesday, May 11th, 2011

Be sure to get along to this show if in Sydney town!…

On the back of winning the Absolute Stairwell Gallery’s Peoples Choice auction and recently participating in the Adidas ‘All in Challenge’, BENNETT announces his solo show ‘ORANGES & LEMONS’.

The concept behind the show’s title is derived from a well known children’s nursery rhyme and is set to challenge the way we perceive images, from the way they are “meant” to be been viewed.

Working in mixed media, acrylic and aerosols, BENNETT’s work is often laiden with controversial and sometimes shocking commentary. He re-contextualises common, mass-produced objects and themes within the layers of his mashed up styled pieces. The result although entertaining to the audience, ultimately challenges viewers to draw upon their own conclusions from the numerous narratives and scenarios in which they are faced.

BENNETT currently works out of Sydney’s StupidKrap studios.

“ORANGES AND LEMONS” opens Thursday May 19th at 6pm.

Oh Really Gallery
55 Enmore Road, Newtown
Sydney NSW 2042
Show continues till May 29th – Opening hours 11am – 6pm


Ghost Patrol studio visit.

Monday, May 9th, 2011

I paid a visit to Ghost Patrols Melbourne studio to catch GP working on the final piece for his latest show titled “If we’re going, then let’s go”, opening at Backwoods on the 20th.

Become the brundlefly on the wall of Ghost Patrols and Miso’s studio for a voyeuristic split second and enjoy the photos. (Click to zoom).

Details about the show here.

Jun Inoue at Backwoods

Sunday, May 8th, 2011

Thank you to everyone who came down to check Jun Inoue’s show at backwoods.
The shows up for another week. get down if you havn’t already. Juns for a few more projects around Melbs lined up, more news soon.



Australian artist TEZ is an all rounder, his art spans across an array of mediums including painting, sculpture, ceramics, screen-printing and vector illustration. Much of his work comprises of a combination of these mediums and often incorporates recycled materials and found objects. TEZ unveiled his debut solo exhibition “Sure Ain’t Sushi” at Sydney’s China Heights gallery in late 2009. He resides in his “fibro castle” on the New South Wales Central Coast and more often than not can be found in his shed creating his next fresh piece or just plain old tinkering.

Check out some more NiceProduce

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