Now and then musical genius’ come by, and we always seem to get our grubby hands on them…
Dorian Concept – Micro Korg Master..
Dorian’s influences range from the modal-jazz of Coltrane, the later experiments of ann-arbor Resident Dabrye to the soundscapes of Oval. Dorian Concept is a twirk-noodle king, his on-the-fly improvs and quirky-key work-outs are altogether astounding with scattered drums, piercing synth laced hooks and jaw dropping bass. A self-taught pianist and somewhat of a Youtube star (his online tweaks get over 200000 hits) Dorian aka Oliver Johsnon recently had releases on labels like Kindred Spirits, Treble-O and R2 and has gotten support from the likes of Gilles Peterson and Benji B. He will rock out on the keyboard like no other during his show, the Austrian Scott Storch with more punch!
Daedelus – On a planet of his own..
Daedelus, the eccentric, electronic maestro of Ninja Tune is not your average cookie-cutter musician. One of LA’s most daring and prolific new artists, Daedelus chops and splices disparate acoustic sources into incredible works of contemporary resonance.
His trademark musicality contrasts IDM styled, left-field hip-hop cut-ups with samples from the 30s and 40s, the resulting style of honeyed melody and avant-electronics having no imitators. Daedelus’ reputation is long since established through collaborations with MF Doom, Madlib, Busdriver, Radioinactive, TTC, Mike Ladd and Taz from Sa-Ra, playing alongside Justice, DJ Assault and Two Live Crew and a guest appearance in Erykah Badu’s latest video.
The musician’s engaging live set brings much genuine dynamism to the sometimes static world of performed electronic/dance music.
Post Laneway Festival Musical Madness with support from Dave Pham, DJ Zaibatsu and JPS.
$10 entry for all NICE PRODUCE subscribers, email me on kevin@stablemusic.com.au or it’s $10 with your Laneway Festival Pass-out.
$15 For lazy people and blaggers on the day.
Miss Libertine – 34 Franklin Street Melbourne from 10pm till late. (Main acts take the stage at 12am sharp!)