OSGEMEOS…remember ???
Do you guys remeber that post I did about a huge wall painted by OsGemeos, Nina, Hebert Baglione and Nunca that was painted over in gray paint by the company hired by our city mayor to ‘clean’ out the graffitis, by “accident”, they say… ???
If not, let me help to refresh your memory, the post was “OsGemeos” …who???
So, the mayor and the S.P.’s prefecture tried to get redemption by ‘letting they paint it all over again’…and I went there to follow the process, and got to talk with most of the artists envolved in the project about it, and to shoot some nice photos of it, since I finally got a camera, so check it out !
Like someone said on that post about the “accident”…Graffiti is :
“The only way to keep the city smiling when people don´t.”
Keep smiling!