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Archive for the ‘Japan’ Category

Jun Inoue at Backwoods

Sunday, May 8th, 2011

Thank you to everyone who came down to check Jun Inoue’s show at backwoods.
The shows up for another week. get down if you havn’t already. Juns for a few more projects around Melbs lined up, more news soon.


We love Japan!

Wednesday, March 16th, 2011

We Love Japan

NiceProduce loves Japan!

To all our friends, family, colleagues and immediate NiceProduce family, we are thinking and praying for you in these dark times.

For the supporters and friends of, we ask for you to give what you can to aid the people of Japan, and to support the Red Cross and other hard working charities in the days, weeks and months going forward in the rehabilitation of a nation that we all hold so close.

We thank you in advance,

Karl, Alex & the rest of Team Nice

Whats Jappening?

Monday, February 28th, 2011


Part six of the “Rent Me” series of zines by artist, curator, photographer and writer, Mark Drew. Originally from Sydney the sixth installment is a photo/graphic review of his first six months living in Japan.

A5 zine, 52pp
Colour cover, BW inside
(selected spreads shown)


OMNI – KAMI and SASU mini doco

Tuesday, February 22nd, 2011

Shot while Kami and Sasu were here for the Omni show at Backwoods Gallery.


Props to Louie Mitchell

Shinichi Maruyama – Gardens

Wednesday, February 16th, 2011

New York based, Japanese photographer/artist Shinichi Maruyama has released his latest series of work, Gardens.

Photographing paint, mid air in an attempt to replicate the aesthetic found in Zen gardens he has created a stunning series of pieces. Which while he humbly insists that he is “far” from the mark none the less manages to encapsule the true spirit of the aesthetic, that in many ways surpasses the original. At least in my opinion.

“I have tried to represent this feeling I get from Zen gardens in my artwork. Although I am still far from those enlightened monks who labor in nature, my actions of repeatedly throwing liquid into the air and photographing the resulting shapes and sculptural formations over and over-endlessly-could be considered a form of spiritual practice to find personal enlightenment.” – Shinichi Maruyama.

See the rest of the series here on Shinichi’s site. Or head to Bruce Silverstien NYC, tomorrow night at 6pm to see it in person.

BRUCE SILVERSTEIN 535W 24th Street New York, NY 10011 T: 212-627-3930

Giger for Pioneer

Monday, January 24th, 2011

1985. Japan.



Wednesday, December 29th, 2010

Tokyo artists Yuma sent me some shots of recent work, really nice stuff.

Check his site here.

Opening of Omni by KAMI and SASU (HITOTZUKI) at Backwoods

Monday, November 29th, 2010

Krush at Rooftop this Sunday.

Friday, November 26th, 2010

Back in Melbourne this Sunday for a free gig at the Rooftop starting 6:30.
going to be packed out, i’d get in early.

Kami and Sasu print

Monday, November 22nd, 2010

Screen print, fresh off the press, signed and numbered by Kami and Sasu one of only 50.

Aus $120. buy here.


Cognitive Dissident.

Check out some more NiceProduce

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Prints | Giclee Print
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Prints | White
White Vices 1 #1 White Vices 1
Prints | White
Nawlz Print : Crane City #1 Nawlz Print : Crane City
Prints | Gloss Premium Photo
Handplant #1 Handplant
Prints | German archival pape
Final Destination 3D A4 #1 Final Destination 3D A4
Prints | White
Beach, Bum's and Bondi A3 #1 Beach, Bum's and Bondi A3
Prints | White
Cock Copter #1 Cock Copter
Prints | White