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Archive for December, 2008


Tuesday, December 30th, 2008

Portuguese magazine Dif just printed a 4 page feature on No Comply in their December issue. If i could speak Portuguese i’d be able to tell you more.

Jean “Moebius” Giraud, Dune Character Designs.

Tuesday, December 30th, 2008

In 1975, Alejandro Jodorowsky embarked on the adaptation of Frank Herbets Dune.

The film planned a cast which included, Salvidor Dali, Orson Wells and Mick Jager with a soundtrack by Pink Floyd, the film would have summarized the psychedelic creative spirit of the 70’s in a way which would of still been endearing today.

Unfortunately… due to lack of funding the film with its 14 hour epic script was canned. Luckily, at least the character and set design from the likes of Giger, Chris Foss and Moebius endure, to placate our need to imagine what the film would of be like while further lamenting its loss.

Here are some beautifully detailed and colored Dune character designs by the influential French comic book artist, Moebius which i think precede Peter Chung really nicely, particularly from Reign.

You can find out more about the Unseen Dune here.baron2medium_3031015482_d65216b3a4_omedium_3030178783_0b7c276e4e_omedium_3030210331_232a29ce4f_o

On a side note.. This is why popular culture sucks and why i need to stab people who listen to shit music and watch shit films, ultimately throughout history such people are individually responsible for funding going to mediocre commercial projects rather than enriching ones such as the Unseen Dune. Its a crime against humanity and it should be treated like one and I for one put my hand up to help administer the justice.

Perth for Christmas.

Monday, December 29th, 2008

Hey Guys, want to wish ya’ll a Merry Christmas & a wonderful New Year.

I spent my Christmas this year in Perth with Kid-Zoom & his family. Was a good deal of food, paint and fun in the sun.

Here are some pictures of the walls we painted.

Photo Credit: Jedda Andrews & Kid Zoom.



Monday, December 29th, 2008

KRink by VC2 producer Dan Bruun and Jason Schneider


Monday, December 29th, 2008

Merda’s got a blog. Check it

LetterHeads 1 ~ WoodenShadow

Monday, December 29th, 2008

Here’s an old set of photos from the first letterheads show organized by KidReksi and myself a few years ago at WoodenShadow.

3119252755_198d423a55_bI setup and ran WoodensShadow in an abandoned warehouse in downtown Richmond and it was the site of epic parties and also a tetanus ridden tinderbox that at any one night could of wiped out the entire Melbourne art scene in a fiery ball of death. Letterheads was an exhibition of remixed letters of the alphabet by Australian artists met with Chairman Mao and Flying Lotus thanks to RBMA.

Reka and I are currently trying to motivate each other into nutting out Letterheads 2 so i thought i’d post some shots, stir the creative juices and whatnot.

A by Kab.3119286685_e432720171_o
B by Puzzle3120114594_4ce3c9c229_o
C by Scram
D by Merda

Other Highlights included…
Q by Jagi
O by Dmote

Check a slideshow of all the pieces here.


Monday, December 29th, 2008

2342592830_19a81a0524_oAbout the closest thing to the old UO flourbag xploit in real life that we’ll ever come across.

Harvey Normans have a match any price by 10% policy, MSY is a asian import computer joint with low low prices.

Print out MSY’s price list take it to Harvey Normans and pick up a the industry standard Canon G10 for $517 which is less that Harvey Normans pays wholesale.

Happy belated Xmas.


Tuesday, December 23rd, 2008

We welcome a new brand to Nice, Mint Conditions first micro range of T’s features some really bold and dope geometric 3d imagery. Check it out here.



Tuesday, December 23rd, 2008

warhol-1-anonymousCurrently showing at Anonymous Gallery NY, the Piece Process transposes 3 generations of New York artists, pairing each with their contemporary counterpart with the aim of creating an overview of the interconnectedness of styles and development over generations, as well as the general impact that these prolific and influential artists have had on popular culture and the urban environment.

And presenting artwork from the likes of Warhol, Kieth Harring and Jean-Michael Basquiat along side modern contemporaries such Greg Lamache and Todd James it promises to fulfill its goals.

Up until 24th Jan.

Here’s some shots, thanks to anonymous curator Jo.



Tuesday, December 23rd, 2008

Now in white. here.


Visit Blognuts Deluxe today and smell the love.


Cognitive Dissident.

Check out some more NiceProduce

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