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Archive for the ‘France’ Category

SheOne, OTwo, Niort, France.

Tuesday, May 10th, 2011

SheOne, OTwo

Winterlong Galerie’s Centre d’Action Culturel, Niort, France.

November 2010.

More at, and from Winterlong Gallie’s photo stream.

JR, TED 2011 Prize Winner

Friday, October 22nd, 2010

TED, one of the most on point projects ever has awarded French artists JR the 2011 TED Price. A fitting match if you ask me.

I should probably also get an award for working out how to embed this video.


JR / Exposition Paris 2009 – Ile Saint Louis

Monday, March 1st, 2010
New video from JR

JR / Exposition Paris 2009 – Ile Saint Louis
by JR

Truckers Delight – by Flairs

Friday, November 27th, 2009

Good looking Rone.

Serge Gainsbourg – animation des graffitis sur 5 ans du mur rue de Verneuil

Wednesday, November 4th, 2009

A 3d animation created over the course of 5 years documenting the graffiti on the wall outside of Serge Gainsbourg home.

Serge Gainsbourg – animation des graffitis sur 5 ans du mur rue de Verneuil from Arnaud Jourdain on Vimeo.

Kaws & Raquel Zimmerman, French Vouge

Sunday, November 1st, 2009

Via Kaws’s Blog on Honeyee.


JR ~ Wemon are Hero’s, Paris

Wednesday, October 7th, 2009

Some more shots from the open air exhibition by JR now showing in Paris. More info here.


JR, women are heroes. Paris exhibition

Wednesday, September 30th, 2009

JR does it again.
+ info and videos on:


A Shaded View On Fashion Film 2009

Tuesday, September 8th, 2009

I for one am looking forward to Jun Takahashi’s contribution.

More details at

Al Stark – Future City Eaters

Sunday, September 6th, 2009

Completing his month long residency at All Over Gallery, Mr Stark is ready to exhibit the results of his labors in the form of Future City Eaters, an exhibition of new work and installations at All Over in Lyons Franch.

From the 17th of September to the 17th of October.
Galerie ALL OVER
41 rue des Tables Claudiennes – 69001 LYON – FRANCE

More news soon.



Cognitive Dissident.

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