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Archive for the ‘World Wide Wisdom’ Category

SheOne, OTwo, Niort, France.

Tuesday, May 10th, 2011

SheOne, OTwo

Winterlong Galerie’s Centre d’Action Culturel, Niort, France.

November 2010.

More at, and from Winterlong Gallie’s photo stream.

Ghost Patrol studio visit.

Monday, May 9th, 2011

I paid a visit to Ghost Patrols Melbourne studio to catch GP working on the final piece for his latest show titled “If we’re going, then let’s go”, opening at Backwoods on the 20th.

Become the brundlefly on the wall of Ghost Patrols and Miso’s studio for a voyeuristic split second and enjoy the photos. (Click to zoom).

Details about the show here.


Sunday, May 8th, 2011

Jun Inoue at Backwoods

Sunday, May 8th, 2011

Thank you to everyone who came down to check Jun Inoue’s show at backwoods.
The shows up for another week. get down if you havn’t already. Juns for a few more projects around Melbs lined up, more news soon.


Inside The Universe

Sunday, May 1st, 2011

by Adi Nachman and Al Stark



Wednesday, April 20th, 2011

Ubercunt knows.

Photo by Izzi. from her blog.

Good evening vietnam

Sunday, April 10th, 2011

karaoke bar in Saigon

Night Shift by Cam Scale at Rancho

Friday, April 1st, 2011

An impressive show of ubran landscapes by Cam Scale on show at the newly opened Rancho Notorious on display until the 7th. Details here.

I recommend checking it out also the space has really cleaned up nicely, any ex pats reading this site should get in touch with Rancho about prices.

Li Wei

Saturday, March 12th, 2011

Beijing artist, Li Wei blends the mundane with the trans mundane.

I want to see his take on the tower of pisa. more here.

100-01《拳击》”Boxing”,2009.03.31, 北京Beijing,176x366cm, Edition 6

093-01.<<生活在高处6>>,”Live at the high place 6″, 2008.10.09, Beijing,176x176cm, Edition 6

073-01.《李 日韦撞入纽约》.“Li Wei falls to New York”,2006.10.20. New York, 176x176cm,

105-01《爱之箭》“Arrow of love”,2009.04.02, 北京,Beijing, 176x176cm, Edition 6

047-01.《爱在高处之1 》.”Love at the high place 1″,2004,07.01, Beijing, 150x150cm,

047-01.《爱在高处之1 》.”Love at the high place 1″,2004,07.01, Beijing, 150x150cm,

159-01,《引力之外 4》,“Beyond Gravity 4 ”, 2010,04,17, 北京 Beijing, 155x465cm, Edition 6

OMNI – KAMI and SASU mini doco

Tuesday, February 22nd, 2011

Shot while Kami and Sasu were here for the Omni show at Backwoods Gallery.


Props to Louie Mitchell


Cognitive Dissident.

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