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Archive for the ‘China’ Category

Li Wei

Saturday, March 12th, 2011

Beijing artist, Li Wei blends the mundane with the trans mundane.

I want to see his take on the tower of pisa. more here.

100-01《拳击》”Boxing”,2009.03.31, 北京Beijing,176x366cm, Edition 6

093-01.<<生活在高处6>>,”Live at the high place 6″, 2008.10.09, Beijing,176x176cm, Edition 6

073-01.《李 日韦撞入纽约》.“Li Wei falls to New York”,2006.10.20. New York, 176x176cm,

105-01《爱之箭》“Arrow of love”,2009.04.02, 北京,Beijing, 176x176cm, Edition 6

047-01.《爱在高处之1 》.”Love at the high place 1″,2004,07.01, Beijing, 150x150cm,

047-01.《爱在高处之1 》.”Love at the high place 1″,2004,07.01, Beijing, 150x150cm,

159-01,《引力之外 4》,“Beyond Gravity 4 ”, 2010,04,17, 北京 Beijing, 155x465cm, Edition 6


Cognitive Dissident.

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