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Backyard Play

December 7th, 2011 by TEZ.


A brand new collaboration between two Sydney-based groups with the shared concern of breathing more colour into our city.

KON, Sprinkles and Cam Wall, have been invited by PRIMO! Magazine and The Outsiders (Teem and Mr Sweet) to bring their perspectives and their talents into a single forum where they are encouraged to work, play and paint together. The primary aim of these small beginnings is to contribute to putting Sydney on par with artistically vibrant cities from across the globe, and to cultivate powerful and prolific relationships within the city’s artistic community.

Backyard Play is a celebration of the notion of home, nostalgia and diversity. Every upbringing in this country is set against a different backdrop, and the concept of “play” is defined in a myriad of ways. Where the backyard of one persons childhood was a grassy garden in suburbia, yours may have featured the bush, the desert, the sea, the farm or the CBD. Our project is designed to unite the Australian community through art and shared experience, and there is no more perfect concept to launch this regular event than this.

The first exhibition has been preceded by a collaborative day of creation, where artists created works inspired by the theme of Backyard Play with media including aerosol, pen and paint on canvas. The day was documented on camera and film, and this footage has been edited into a number of trailers and a documentary that will be screened as part of the exhibition.
We invite you to be part of our debut show.

Where & When Plump Gallery, 240 Enmore Rd, Enmore Opens Thursday 8th of December 2011 Exhibition continues until Wednesday 14th of December 2011.”

Drewfunk – Parity – Video Preview

November 18th, 2011 by Drew


November 1st, 2011 by Dabs Myla

We just arrived back in LA from a trip over to London for the Moniker Art Fair at Village Underground in Shoreditch. The fair ran over the weekend from the 13th – 16th October and showcased some awesome art from around the world….we were so stoked to be a part of the fair this year!

We had a couple of new paintings and were given a project space to use and create an installation in. For this installation we tried to do something a little different to past ones, and work on a much bigger scale with the individual elements. We where really happy with the finished product of our space, and had a blast working on another big installation.


October 9th, 2011 by TEZ.

With Sydney, Melbourne & Gold Coast openings this is gonna be one rad show for such a great cause…go to for participating artist’s links.  Presented by Three Sixty Project

Oxford Art Factory

October 8th, 2011 by Drew

Here’s some pictures of the wall i painted in Oxford Art Factory in Sydney. Special thanks to Mark Gerber of OAF, Oliver for making a short video for the night, Conor for helping me to buff, Photographers Bill Chen & Maja Baska for the photos & my hommies from Sydney. 17 X 5 meter wall in 3 days, was a mission, but a good one.

Nawlz is now available on iPad!

September 12th, 2011 by Sutu

BAMN! The Nawlz ipad comic has hit itunes…  The first episode is FREE!! Waste no time, GO GET NAWLZY, get touchy, and feely, and swipey, tilt it, pinch it, pan it, shake shake shake it, the Nawlzy world will react in new ways that make perfect sense.

After one year of custom developing our own special tech for porting flash to iPad, we’ve discovered that the ipad was indeed designed for Nawlz.  And so many people were asking, why didn’t you use the flash ipad packager? Well, the reason is, the packager kinda sucks and I got a grant from Film Victoria that allowed me to do things my way, how I like to do it. We have created the ultimate Nawlz to iPad engine!   Tell your friends, share the video, pump that shit out there for me, so I can start porting season 2 asap!

Look See 2011

August 2nd, 2011 by TEZ.

This Friday see’s the opening of Look See 2011, the exhibition component of the annual Look Hear art & design event held in Newcastle. Showcased will be a diverse range of works comprising of illustration and design, painting, photography, video and street art—from not only this years Look Hear 2011 speakers, but previous years and also works from a select group of both established and up and coming talents from around the Newcastle region and further afar. Special guests on the night will be Secret Wars for their first time in Newcastle, where locals Malade will battle it out against visiting Sydney fellas Houl and Sprinkles. See flyer for all the deets or check the Look Hear 2011 website.

Statement Pieces exhibition

July 31st, 2011 by Drew

Opening – Thursday, August 4 · 6:00pm – 8:00pm

James Makin Gallery
67 Cambridge Street
Collingwood, Australia

Statement Pieces presents an explosion of light and text based artworks which fill the gallery space, breaking down the illusions of social constructs fuelled by advertising.

For more information visit http://www.jamesmakingalle​


July 10th, 2011 by Drew

OPENING this Thursday.
Brand New Gallery.

110 Franklin Street.
Melbourne 3000.


July 7th, 2011 by Ghostpatrol

nelio killing it

also featured in this book
worth investigating

‘abstract graffiti’

Cedar Lewisohn

Check out some more NiceProduce

Uncle Sam #1 Uncle Sam
Prints | German archival pape
Sir Les A4 #1 Sir Les A4
Prints | White
Nawlz Print : Under the Bridge #1 Nawlz Print : Under the Bridge
Prints | Glicee Print
Dead Harry (color) #1 Dead Harry (color)
Prints | German archival pape
Skill & Bones, Skull #1 Skill & Bones, Skull
T-Shirts | Black / White
Curvy Rat 3 #1 Curvy Rat 3
Prints | White
Shrimp A3 #1 Shrimp A3
Prints | White
Thank You & See You Again #1 Thank You & See You Again
Prints | Rives 280g paper