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Down Low, Too Slow. Opening night at Backwoods Gallery

Thanks to everyone who came down to Backwoods last Friday for the opening of Down Low, Too Slow by James Reka.

The show is still up until Sunday, so swing past and check it out in person.


Mixed media on canvas, 2011 1015mm x 1065mm


Mixed media on canvas, 2011 910mm x 1065mm


Mixed media on canvas, 2011 910mm x 1065mm


Mixed media on canvas, 2011 910mm x 1250mm


Mixed media on canvas, 2011 910mm x 1250mm


Mixed media on canvas, 2011 1065mm x 910mm


Mixed media on canvas, 2011 910mm x 910mm


Mixed media on canvas, 2011 910mm x 910mm


Mixed media on canvas, 2011 910mm x 910mm


Mixed media on canvas, 2011 760mm x 760mm


Mixed media on canvas, 2011 455mm x 455mm


Mixed media on canvas, 2011 505mm x 610mm


Mixed media on canvas, 2011 505mm x 610mm


Mixed media on canvas, 2011 505mm x 610mm

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