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More from Cambuci/Sao Paulo/Brazil

A few more photos I took on the walk through one of my favorite places on earth, Cambuci!


Where the beauty of the graffitis mixes with the ugliness of poverty and violence and homeless people, it makes you feel that you are living in a real world, and is not so pretty but not that bad at all !

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It still has so many amazing things to offer, works like that coming from people who lives this reality every day proves how bigger than we know is the capability of the human being to improve itself to achieve greater things, no matter what, where or who !


imagem-304 OsGemeos, Lixomania

A cop came to me and said : ” I´m warning you YOU´RE GONNA GET MUGGED! You should put your camera away or you will get mugged! ”

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When people realized we were photographing the graffitis they just looked at us and let us do what we were doing, I think they felt we were connected somehow, on the streets respect has a hole different meaning, you gotta be real to stay real !


imagem-279 Nove

imagem-281 OsGemeos


imagem-282 Finok

imagem-305 OsGemeos, Finok, Ise

My most favorites are the works from OsGemeos back in the days…these are treasure for the graffiti fanatics!

A masterpiece inside Cambuci !

imagem-320 OsGemeos




imagem-338 OsGemeos, Flip

imagem-322 Vitché

imagem-323I love this one by Vitché! Old is cool and beautiful !!!

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imagem-336OsGemeos, Flip


I´m such an admiror of this talented couple, Jana Joana and Vitché, this is an old one that I found around the streets of Cambuci, amazing as always!

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imagem-376 Jana Joana & Vitché

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And this is a new one, unfinished. Right next to the wall painted by the artists Cekis and Grim, from Chile.


imagem-343 Vitché

imagem-342 imagem-349 Jana Joana

You can see the photos on a bigger size on my flickr.

Keep your roots strong!

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