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“Made in America” – From NY to SP !

Artists from the Jonathan LeVine Gallery in NYC came to Brazil for an exhibition that’s happening at Choque Cultural Gallery in Sao Paulo.

It was a ‘big deal’ because is not everyday that we have here such names as :

-Shepard Fairey-

 Shepard Fairey _ Obey

The one that I was eagering to see the most, after hearing so much about his work and his OBEY! Giant campaign, which makes so much sense to me…”The medium is the message.” !

-Tim Biskup-

Tim Biskup

Nice work with the fluorescents colors. It even made my eyes get a little crazed.



His characters reminds me of my childhood.

-Jeff Soto-

Jeff Soto

Who were my personal favorite of the expo. And had other great canvas like the one with ‘egg-shaped-spacey-monsters’  and the panaromic one.



The closest you got the furthest you went.

-AJ Fosik-

AJ Fosik

His wood pieces were amazing. 

And among them some brazilians made me proud with their great art, like JACA. 


And his funny ‘world’.

 More photos of the expo and what went down there, here!

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