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Aung San Suu Kyi is FREE!!!!

What a great day and about bloody time!!! After hearing the amazing news of the release Aung San Suu Kyi -Burmese political prisoner of 15 years – I decided to put my Sunday afternoon to good use. I went to the OBEY website and downloaded Shepard Fairey’s amazing portrait poster of Aung. *NOTE Shepard encourages anyone to download this poster and put it to good political use. GET BUSY PEOPLE! I added a message to the bottom of the poster and had it printed 6xA0 size and then taped it to the footpath of Melbourne’s busiest meeting area, Federation Square. The response was awesome!

This Burmese couple were so happy about the news they came up and thanked me for posting. So stoked!

Aung San Suu Kyi Street Art, Melbourne

This little guy was well in to it. Take a good look buddy this lady is a living legend!

Aung San Suu Kyi Street Art Support, Melbourne

I actually posted it in two different places. I tried to post it next to the performance of a street busker. He was bohemian looking guy so I thought he would have been cool about it BUT NO. Instead, he threatened to burn my poster with his juggling torche! The crowd of a couple of hundred people started booing him. AWESOME response Melbourne!!!!! I ended up moving the poster just beside the crowd and WAY more people paid attention to it. So thanks a lot you busking douche bag!

Even this cleaner didn’t have a problem with it. The cleaners and the security were actually really cool about it…

Aung San Suu Kyi Street Art Support, Melbourne

So far it’s managed to stay there for over five hours. Fingers crossed it stays there for a lot longer!

Aung San Suu Kyi Street Art, Melbourne

Please keep in mind, this isn’t the first time Aung has been released. She was released one time before and that release was supposed to be unconditional – the Burmese government changed their mind. More pressure needs to be put on the Burmese government to NOT change their mind again and to release the remaining political prisoners! In the spirit of Shepard Fairey’s free download, I’ve also made my adapted poster of his (with added political message) also available for download here

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