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Archive for the ‘Video’ Category

Julian Assange: Why the world needs WikiLeaks

Wednesday, December 8th, 2010

Super Sharp Shooter

Sunday, November 21st, 2010

The S, The U, The P, The E, The R.


Kilian Martin

Thursday, November 18th, 2010

So dope


Lush rules

Friday, November 5th, 2010


no one is more raw.


Get Lush prints here, straight off the press, limited edition on only 10.

500 x 740 screen prints, signed and numbered.  $77.00. (RIGHT HERE)

Underbelly Project

Wednesday, November 3rd, 2010

Dope project by Workhorse and PAC. Over 90 artists each taken down to an abandoned New York subway station and given one night to paint, once finished the whole thing is photographed and resealed, left for explorers of the future and the occasional transit cop patrol. nice article in the NYtimes too.


Rone and Surge

Jeff Soto

Ron English



Monday, November 1st, 2010

Dan Witz is one clever fella…


The Architects at Atomrooms

Saturday, October 30th, 2010


JR, TED 2011 Prize Winner

Friday, October 22nd, 2010

TED, one of the most on point projects ever has awarded French artists JR the 2011 TED Price. A fitting match if you ask me.

I should probably also get an award for working out how to embed this video.


TINA/walkARTbout flics & some history

Thursday, October 14th, 2010

Newcastle’s This Is Not Art (TINA) festival is an annual event now in it’s thirteenth year! This year I was asked to be involved in walkARTbout along with several other artists, each designated wall space in the city to do their thing. TINA 2010 is special because it is the first year an actual street art component (well legal, anyway) has been added to the event program. This is somewhat surprising when you learn that the the festivals namesake is derived from the infamous (well, if you are from Newcastle) graffiti which once graced the then derelict Latec House.

Organizers in previous years had struggled to incorporate “street art” into the event with opposition from local townsfolk, business and council. This was mainly due to many misconceptions, fear and probably for the most part ignorance. Come 2010 however, attitudes have shifted and the addition of walkARTbout has been welcomed and the overall response has been a positive one, so much so, it will be a permanent fixture in the TINA program for years to come. Full credit and a special thanks must go to Festival Coordinator Simone Sheridan, walkARTbout Curator Carli Hyland and the rest of the TINA 2010 team.

Below, the infamous “This Is Not Art” piece…..

…..and here are a few snaps and video below from artWALKabout 2010.

Damien Mitchell

Daniel O’Toole aka Ears

yours truly

Trine Deans

Umpel (stencils) & Ben Foster


Video via Erik Strapparo


Tuesday, October 12th, 2010

Talented young Tabaimo creates animated works that are as beautifully crafted and aesthetically appealing as they are enigmatic, fascinating, and often quite disturbing. Not content to simply construct beautiful or intriguing images, she clearly aims to offer a complex and pessimistic vision of Japanese society at the start of the new millennium.



Cognitive Dissident.

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Nawlz Print : Custard Main Stage #1 Nawlz Print : Custard Main Stage
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