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Coming up for air.

What’s up Nice people. It’s Karl, checking in from my new home in Scandinavia, where we keep the beer outside and frozen.

I haven’t been so busy on the Grassroots side of things for a while as I’ve just moved to Stockholm. I’ve been here for 4 weeks and have spent every second getting acquainted with my new work peeps and getting out to meet the city. I love Stockholm.

The fashion here is second only to Tokyo. It’s a 1930’s Hugo Boss / Louis Vuitton catalog. Stockholm also just got rated the world’s most sexiest city, so double that up with some precision fashion choices and bang. See, a little self love goes a long way, it’s always worth the effort. 🙂

The street art here is minimal, though there are plenty of galleries and talented artists. I visited the University Artist Market and was blown away by the creativity. I guess spending 3/4 of your life indoors and in the dark can work wonders with your imagination.

I’m off to Germany next week, I’ll be on the hunt for some serious works. Flicks and more updates to come now that I’m a little more settled. If you’re ever up this way, give me a hollar, we’ll go drinking.

As for Nice 2.0, well, let’s say that all of our designers have let us down. We’re working on it, if you want the job done right, you have to do it yourself. It’s the Nice way of life.

Peace from the North.

Check out some more NiceProduce

Skill & Bones Design T #1 Skill & Bones Design T
T-Shirts | Black / White
Astromouse #1 Astromouse
Prints | White
Nawlz Print : The Nawlz Brain #1 Nawlz Print : The Nawlz Brain
Prints | Giclee Print
Skull & Target #1 Skull & Target
Artwork | Blue/Red/Yellow / Blue/White/Green / Red/White
Skill and Bones Nice Remix #1 Skill and Bones Nice Remix
T-Shirts | Black / White
Nawlz Print : Mad Bionic Gig #1 Nawlz Print : Mad Bionic Gig
Prints | Giclee Print
Two Water Buffalo #1 Two Water Buffalo
Prints | Rives 280g paper
Archie A3 #1 Archie A3
Prints | White