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Posts Tagged ‘crazy warriors’

New Artwork

Tuesday, June 15th, 2010
hello world.. i have been working on a new ART.  as usual, i have gone completely overboard on this landscape and now its a cluttered mess of explosive colours, but upon closer inspection there are crazy warrior, monsters, castles and towers.  I am deliberately not uploading a full version of the artwork cause it still needs allot work but here are some delightful closeups of the stuff in it.
the ART in question will be released on nice very soon


I was born in 1981 in Melbourne, Australia. I spent my childhood years playing videogames and watching cartoons. Games from the early 1990's - the 16-bit console era - had a profound influence on my imagination and still inspire my artwork to this day. Throughout school all I would do is draw and design creatures and landscapes for my own videogame ideas and worlds. Now I'm an artist and freelance illustrator and nothing much has changed.

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