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Posts Tagged ‘NiceProduce’

Last of the Tiny Island People

Tuesday, May 10th, 2011

Limited gicle print by Jagi.

one of 20 signed, available here.

New Reka prints

Tuesday, May 10th, 2011

New prints by James Reka have gone up on Niceproduce

Even for now” was exhibited at James Reka’s “Outside Infinity” exhibition at 19karen gallery in Brisbane in 2010
“Even For Now” – (grey)

372mm x 351mm portrait

Giclee print on acid free archival paper

hand signed and numbered out of an edition of 10


“Perfect Timing” was exhibited at James Reka’s “Outside Infinity” exhibition at 19karen gallery in Brisbane in 2010

Perfect Timing”- (black)
372mm x 351mm portrait
Giclee print on acid free archival paper
hand signed and numbered out of an edition of 10

“Johnny Ubangs” was exhibited at James Reka’s “Down Low Too Slow” exhibition at BackWoods gallery in Melbourne in 2011
Johnny Ubangs (white)
705mm x 500mm portrait
2 colour hand-pulled screen-print on 300gsm acid free Fabriano paper
hand signed and numbered out of an edition of 30

The Lute

Tuesday, October 19th, 2010

New Print by TwoOne on Nice.

Giclee Print on acid free 300gsm archival paper signed and numbered out of an edition of 20.

$185.00. More details here.

Julie by Rone

Wednesday, October 13th, 2010

New print on Nice. Click here.

Julie by Rone Edition of 25 , 3 color hand Screen Printed on dutch etching paper.

255mm X 345mm Print on 420mm x 380mm Paper All have small imperfections making each print unique. Signed and numbered.

Tom Vincent

Wednesday, June 23rd, 2010

New to Niceproduce. Tom Vincent with a couple of really striking Giclee prints limited to an edition of just 12. Only 108 each. Right here.

So here’s what’s up.

Friday, December 11th, 2009

It’s been a while since I have posted to the faithful NiceProduce blog. That’s because I’ve been busy as hell. I’ll cut the bullshit and give you all a heads up on what we’re doing at Nice HQ.

Recently, NiceProduce relocated it’s European outlet to the bright lights of New York City. In the past month or so, we’ve been busy setting up shop, working hard on the new website and getting loose. I know the international subscribers are keen on spending their own currency (since the Aussie dollar is blazing at the moment), but the US Government, while seemly tight, is a useless pile of shit when it comes to economics. Hold tight.

Last month Meggs dropped into town to show who’s boss. Plenty of parties, exhibitions and true Australian mayhem. And to the yanks who continue to ask, we’re not fucking English! Great to have you in town Meggs, hope you showed LA what’s what. Welcome back any day.

Koan just finished his recent tour of Japan with New York legend KrinkIf you didn’t catch the update, read on. By all accounts the exhibition was off the hook and our Japanese insurgence continues to grow every year. I’ll be visiting Tokyo next week to pick up where Koan left off. For my Nihongo bitches, you know where we are!

Koan is now safe and sound in the padded confines of the Melbourne HQ. Drop in and bring the man a beer.

The website is almost complete. We are taking a major overhaul of product and direction. We have been selling an amazing amount of artwork to which the artists are truly grateful. The events section will bring every major Melbourne event right to your doorstep (with directions), and our product catalogue is of the highest possible quality. We have been delaying the release for months as every time Koan and I sit down we either end up drinking too much or coming up with some crazy shit we can’t miss.

Either way… it’s worth the wait.

Currently our site has taken a back seat, mainly due to travel time and curating, but…

For those customers who have been put out by the delays, we appreciate your patience, your works are on the way.

I know you like free booze, so keep an eye on this blog in the coming weeks as we announce the next series of exhibitions in Melbourne. I will let Koan take the reigns on announcing these, but rest assured it’s true Melbourne quality.

Right, enough blabber, I hate reading, too.

Have a great Christmas, all!

Happy New Year from the North.

Sunday, January 4th, 2009


Yo. I know this is a little late for NY howzits, but, howzit?

I just got back from Berlin, man, what an unbelievable city you cats got. I have to get back to explore some more, 4 days of parties and hangovers did me no justice.

I dropped in on our Berlin retailer Van Liebling, and was happy to see the Meggs x Orko & Nice Classic T’s in the front window. Mr Van Liebling himself was running things on NYE of all days, and invited us into his world for one hell of a NYE party. No photos, and no questions.

Cop a few flicks of Van Liebling over in Berlin.


Thank you (and your people) for the hospitality mate. See you all again soon.

Happy New Year everyone, more reaches from the North in 09. NiceProduce is running worldwide. Drop me a line if you’re ever in town.



Cognitive Dissident.

Check out some more NiceProduce

Hope Dandelion Seed #1 Hope Dandelion Seed
Prints | Rives 280g paper
Balance #1 Balance
Prints | Rives 280g paper
Skull of Night #1 Skull of Night
Prints | Rives 280g paper
Dead Pig Cunt #1 Dead Pig Cunt
Prints | White
Jungle Spirits #1 Jungle Spirits
Prints | German archival pape
Zortarx, the Rainbow Flavoured Elemental Warlock #1 Zortarx, the Rainbow Flavoured Elemental Warlock
Artwork | Giclee Print
Dead Nirvana #1 Dead Nirvana
Prints | German archival pape
Handplant #1 Handplant
Prints | German archival pape