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Posts Tagged ‘NYC’

4th Annual NYC Pillow Fight

Wednesday, April 13th, 2011

[vimeo width=”640″ height=”360″][/vimeo]

This was fun.

So long, summer.

Tuesday, August 31st, 2010



I don’t often get this transparent, but this weekend that just rolled past was one of a kind. I Rocked the Bells with Lauryn Hill, Wu-Tang and Snoop Dogg (as well as Rakim, KRS1, Slick Rick, MURS, A Tribe Called Quest, Busta Rhymes and the list goes on), bombed NoLita, ate (amazing) tacos, and finished off the weekend with a beer over looking the Manhattan skyline. Pretty dope. So long, summer – it’s been real!

When y’all coming to visit?!

Os Gemeos x Futura – NYC

Tuesday, August 17th, 2010

Os Gemeos and Futura have completed an 80-foot mural at Chelsea’s PS 11. I strolled by over the weekend to a closed gate, but managed to fire off some shots from through the fence. There are lots of shots on the web, but here’s my addition.

5 Pointz

Tuesday, August 17th, 2010

Out again at 5 Pointz, Queens, NYC.

5 Pointz Jam

Monday, August 2nd, 2010

A lot of people were out to help save 5 Pointz. Writers, DJ’s, families and friends made for a great Saturday afternoon stroll through Queens.

Up There

Saturday, June 26th, 2010

After checking the vid for Scratching The Surface I thought I’d post another masterfully executed film Up There. It too is a truely inspiring flick, however you ain’t ever gonna get me “Up There”. enjoy.



Co-Founder of NiceProduce

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